24 story building proposed for 100 Avenue Rd – please read and make your views known!
Now that the developers have filed their Planning Application you will have received a letter from Camden inviting you to send your comments in. You will note that they have given a cut off of April 10th; while we would encourage you to send your comments in as soon as possible, Camden will be accepting comments after that date. The application number is 2014/1617/P and the link is here
If Camden's Officers decide to recommend this proposal it will go to a meeting of Camden's Development Control Committee-made up of elected Councillors-probably in July.
Your Councillors are going through the vast amount of information that has been provided and which is on the Camden website. We will be getting back with more thoughts once we have gone through this.
Having made a preliminary analysis Swiss Cottage Councillor Don Williams says:
"While I appreciate that the current buildings at 100 Avenue Road are not optimal, I consider this proposal is just too big for the local area. The North Tower will be 80m high-noticeably more than the height of Taplow which is 67m and considerably higher than The Visage's 48m. I see that there will be 184 units and 317 bedrooms ie approaching 400 extra residents. It is difficult to see how the local area can absorb so many extra residents. I am also disappointed at the low level of affordable housing on this site."
Feel free to copy us into the comments you send Camden.