Hampstead Town Conservatives
have great pleasure in inviting you to a
Drinks Reception
with special guest and speaker Andrew Mitchell MP
Andrew Mitchell is a Member of Parliament for Sutton Coldfield. He is also the founder of then Conservative Party social action project in Rwanda and Sierra Leone called Project Umubano and a former United Nations military peacekeeper. RT Hon Mitchell will be joining Hampstead Town Conservatives to discuss his work and current events.
Join us for a lavish drinks reception, posh nibbles and intriguing conversation.
Date: 12th June 2014 Time: 7.30 pm
£25 for members
£30 for non members
Location: a private home within Hampstead Village
Please detach and return to H&K Conservatives, 1a Heath Hurst Road, NW3 2RU.
I would like ………………….ticket(s) for the Reception to be held on 23rd January, 2014 and
enclose my cheque for £………………….made payable to H&K Conservatives.
I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation towards the Conservative Party
campaign for the Camden and Brent council elections, of £...........
I wish to pay £........... by Card: Debit MasterCard Visa Start date -
Expiry date -
Card number --- Issue number (if applicable)
CVC number (3-digit number on the signature panel on the back of the card)
Name …………………................... Tel…………………………………………………...............
Address ..……………………....... Email ..........................................................................
Name(s) of additional guest(s): …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………