Hampstead Town Conservatives have great pleasure in inviting you to a
Drinks Reception
with special guest and speaker Conor Burns MP
Conor Burns has been Conservative MP for Bournemouth West since 2010. He will be speaking about the life and legacy of his great friend and mentor of 20 years, Margaret Thatcher. His Commons tribute on her death was a tour de force.
Join us for wine, hors d’oeuvres and the battle of ideas.
Date: 23rd January 2014 Time: 7.30 pm
£20 for members
£25 for non members
Location: a private home within Hampstead Village
Please detach and return to H&K Conservatives, 1a Heath Hurst Road, NW3 2RU.
I would like ………………….ticket(s) for the Reception to be held on 23rd January, 2014 and
enclose my cheque for £………………….made payable to H&K Conservatives.
I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation towards the Conservative Party
campaign for the Camden and Brent council elections, of £...........
I wish to pay £........... by Card: Debit MasterCard Visa Start date -
Expiry date -
Card number --- Issue number (if applicable)
CVC number (3-digit number on the signature panel on the back of the card)
Name …………………................... Tel…………………………………………………...............
Address ..……………………....... Email ..........................................................................
Name(s) of additional guest(s): …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………