HAVERSTOCK CYCLE LANE - a cyclist reports back.
■ The poorly designed Haverstock Hill cycle lane continues to be a big local worry.
■ If you are new to the area, its not to late to tell us your views. Us the QR code (via your phone) or complete the survey by via the link, https://camden.team/HaverstockHillCycleLaneSurvey
■ While we are fully supportive of cycling in Camden, this scheme is deeply flawed. Over-complicated routing around bus stops, the profusion of plastic paraphernalia and confusing blue painted junctions has resulted in mess.
■ We though Camden’s consultation was flawed, so we asked you directly what you thought. You told us you were unhappy about safety, appearance, value and effectiveness of the whole project. Pedestrian safety has been compromised, it’s not improved cycling and shops are suffering
■ As a Camden Councillor, Steve Adams formally questioned this project as unsafe and ill considered. Prior to this the Transport for London safety audit was concerned about the junctions and bus stops. Camden ignored TfL concerns and Steve’s sensible advice. They proceeded with their unspoken intention to use this cyclists’ provision to inhibit private car use. This is cynical and wrong.
■ The scheme has not been policed and has also brought other unexpected downsides for even keen cyclists, of whom Steve Adams is definitely one.
Camden have dumped this scheme on us and have not controlled its use.
■ Delivery vans are parking illegally to deliver to shops. The shops are suffering, many customers have deserted them and sadly some shops have closed.
■ On normal roads cars and vans keep the road clear by driving debris and snow into the gutter. Now its all pushed into the cycle lane.
■ The bike lane cannot be easily swept and cycle punctures are frequent. In recent snowy weather the lane was covered in ice for days before being gritted. This totally removed the lanes from use and pushed hardy cyclists back onto the now unsafely narrow roadway.
Your local Conservative team will continue to press for SAFE cycling provisions - not this one.