With the festive season just around the corner the H&K Social Action Committee have decided it’s time to launch our festive appeal to do our bit for some of our littlest constituents, who for whatever reason will be in The Royal Free over the holidays and for whom an extra gift will mean so much.
If you would like to help us then you can do so in the following ways:
• Make a donation by cash or cheque (payable to H&K C.A.) and send it to Hampstead & Kilburn Conservatives, 1a Heath Hurst Road, London, NW3 2RU.
Please mark it for our Festive Appeal.
(A) I enclose my cheque for £..........made payable to ‘H&K Conservatives’.
(B) I have made a bank transfer of £..............to the following account:
Account: 2041 4220 | Sort Code: 40-03-02 Ref: Appeal
• Or Donate a new and unused toy which we can then wrap and deliver. (If you choose to help in this way could we please ask that you donate toys suitable for babies or children aged 12+)
It really is just that easy!
All monies collected will be used to purchase gifts, which will then be delivered towards the middle of December.
We are collecting NOW! So please help us.
Working together with you to make Camden and even nicer place to live.
Thank you