Unemployment has halved across Hampstead & Kilburn since 2010, with unemployment having hit a record low in every single ward in our community in the last few months: from Kilburn to Hampstead and Fortune Green to Queen's Park. Across Hampstead & Kilburn, unemployment has fallen by 1,500 since 2010: almost halved since Labour left office. And in Camden, unemployment has hit a record low in the last month. 2,846 fewer Camden residents are claiming out-of-work benefits than were in 2010: a reduction of over 50% compared to the sorry legacy left by Labour.
Nationwide, there are now 2 million new jobs. Over three-quarters of these new jobs have been full-time, compared to just half of new jobs created in thirteen years of Labour government. The employment rate has hit an all-time high, with 73.4% of all adults in employment, while so many other countries have faltered and gone the other way.
This is a result of the government’s economic plan and reflection of the plan’s success. Since 2010, we’ve increased the point at which people start paying income tax to £10,600: giving the average worker a tax cut of £825 since 2010. We’re reformed welfare to make sure work always pays and reduced in taxation on employment and businesses to spur job creation.
A Conservative government would raise the personal allowance to £12,500 and guarantee that nobody will ever pay income tax on the minimum wage again. We’d keep cutting business tax to make our country the most attractive place to invest in the world. And we’d keep creating jobs: aiming to achieve full employment by 2020, so that anybody that wants a job gets a job. By continuing our long-term economic plan, we can secure a better future for your family, our community, and our country.