Pax Lodge, 12c Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, NW3 5PG
29 March 2011, 7.30pm
1 President’s Opening Remarks
2 To receive apologies for absence
3 To receive the Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting
4 To receive and adopt the Annual Report of Association for the year ending 31 December 2010
5 To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts of Association for the year ending 31 December 2011
6 To elect the Officers of The Association
i) Patron
ii) President
iii) Chairman
iv) Deputy Chairman (Political)
v) Deputy Chairman (Membership)
vi) Treasurer
vii) Vice Presidents
7 To appoint Auditors or such persons who may be qualified to certify accounts
8 Address By Chris Philp, The London No2AV Conservative spokesman for London