Three of the eleven trees scheduled for felling in Hampstead have been reprieved after an intervention by Cllr Stephen Stark, who has had a meeting with the council to review all the trees on the removal list and hopes they will agree to plant replacement trees.
Cllr Stark said, “Trees are synonymous with Hampstead which is loved for its leafy environment. It is important that the trees chosen for removal meet all the relevant criteria and that the attractive sweep of Hampstead Town’s trees is not left with unsightly gaps.”
Please send any comments or details of other trees you maybe concerned about to Stephen who will pass on your comments to Camden tree officers. But do respond quickly before the works are carried out. Stephen is keen to hear from you.
Detail on some of the trees in question,
Belsize Lane / Perceval Av. - Mountain Ash - Dead/Dying
Eldon Grove, Outside 10b - Common Lime - Dead/Dying
Heath Brow / North End Way - Linden - Basal decay
Holly Bush Hill, Opposite 24 - Wych Elm - Dead/Dying
Holly Bush Hill / Holly Mount - Common Lime - Saved! (helped by Stephen)
Lyndhurst Gdns, Outside 17 - Ash - Basal decay
Lyndhurst Rd, Outside 6 - Common Lime - Basal decay
Hampstead Grove, Outside 26 - Black Locust - Saved! (helped by Stephen)
Wedderburn Rd, Outside 13 - Linden - Saved! (helped by Stephen)