Gondar Gardens Under Threat Again
Developer Linden Wates is planning to submit another planning application for the Gondar Gardens reservoir site. The application is being submitted before the outcome of the recent planning appeal for 28 dwellings - which is in the process of being decided by a Planning Inspector.
The local Camden Conservatives team: led by parliamentary candidate Simon Marcus, Ian Cohen and Andrew Parkinson will be campaigning against the new proposals -
1. The new scheme would have 79 dwellings - this is 51 more than under the previous proposal. This is overdevelopment of the site.
2. The new design will encroach even further onto this protected Open Space and Site of Nature Conservation Importance.
3. The new scheme proposes two new blocks on the Gondar Gardens entrance, which are not in keeping with the rest of the road.
There is a public exhibition to view the plans on Friday 6th March, 12pm to 7pm at
 Emmanuel Church, Lyncroft Gardens, London, NW6 1JU. Your local conservative team will be there to make local views known to the developer.