On Monday 5th February, Holborn & St Pancras Conservative Association is hosting drinks with James Forsyth.
James, who was born and raised in Hampstead, has been the Spectator's Political Editor since 2009. His writings in the Spectator Magazine and its Coffee House blog, as well as his weekly column in the Sun are pored over by Westminster insiders and are compulsory reading to understand today's politics. James is one of the best-connected and most-informed lobby journalists.
Join us to discuss a range of contemporary issues - London politics, making the case for capitalism, Brexit, housing, the NHS, and winning against Corbyn.
Where and When?
1a Heath Hurst Road from 19:00-20:30 on Monday 5th February. NB: if you can, meet at 18:00 for a quick canvassing session before!
Tickets £15 for members of Holborn & St Pancras or Hampstead & Kilburn Conservatives, and £20 for non-members.
I would like ………member ticket(s) for the Drinks Reception to be held on 5th February 2018
I would like ..........non-member ticket(s) for the Drinks Reception to be held on 5th February 2018
I am unable to attend and would like to make a donation of £..........to the HSPCA Campaign Fund.
I am able to attend and would like to make an additional donation of £..........to the HSPCA Campaign Fund.
(A) I enclose my cheque for £..........made payable to ‘HSP Conservatives’.
(B) I have made a bank transfer of £..........to the following account:
Acc: 50468819 | Sort Code: 20-44-86 |Ref: your name/Forsyth
Name …………………………………………………............ Tel …………………………………..................…..............
Address ..………………………………………………….......... Email …………………………………..............................
Name(s) of additional guest(s):............................................................................................................................
Return to 1a Heath Hurst Road, NW3 2RU or email to Amanda Eliades [email protected]