Drinks Reception with Steve O'Connell AM
Steve was appointed as the Chair of the London Assembly Police & Crime Committee in May 2016 and is also a member of the Transport Committee, GLA Oversight Committee and the Confirmations Hearing Committee.
The Police & Crime Committee
The Police and Crime Committee examines the work of the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), which oversees the Metropolitan Police. The Committee also investigates key issues relating to policing and crime in London, including electoral fraud, serious youth violence, and policing and safety at Notting Hill Carnival.
I would like ………member ticket(s) for the Drinks Reception to be held on 25 October 2017
I would like ..........non-member ticket(s) for the Drinks Reception to be held on 25 October 2017
(A) I enclose my cheque for £..........made payable to ‘H&K Conservatives’.
(B) I have made a bank transfer of £..........to the following account:
Acc: 2041 4220 | Sort Code: 40-03-02 |Ref: OConnell
Name …………………………………………………............ Tel …………………………………..................…..............
Address ..………………………………………………….......... Email …………………………………..............................
……………………………………….........…............ Name(s) of additional guest(s):...........................................................................................................................................
Return to 1a Heath Hurst Road, NW3 2RU or email to David Douglas