Drinks Reception & Buffet with the Rt Hon Claire Coutinho MP
Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
Born in London in 1985, Claire went on to study mathematics and philosophy at Exeter College, Oxford. After graduating she worked in the City before working for centre-right think tank Centre for Social Justice. In 2018 she became a special adviser at the Treasury becoming an aide to then Chief Secretary to the Treasury Rishi Sunak. In 2019 she was selected as the Conservative Party candidate for East Surrey and was elected with a majority of 24,040. Since her election Claire has served as a PPS in the Treasury before being appointed Minister for Disabled People. In September 2022 she was made Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing. Claire is currently the youngest member of the Cabinet after being made Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero in August 2023.
Please note that there are 39 steps to their top floor flat and no lift. The venue is 100 yards from Highgate Tube StaƟon and is also served by the 43, 134 and 234 bus routes. There are no parking restrictions in Wood Lane after 7pm.
To book and pay via card please ring CBCA on 020 8449 7345, email [email protected] or return completed form to CBCA, 163 High Street, Barnet EN5 5SU. I would like…….tickets @ £25 Total £…………. Guest 1 Name _______________ Guest 2 Name _______________ Guest 3 Name _______________ Name and Address ________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________ Tel:_______________ Cheque enclosed (Please make payable to CBCA)