Camden Conservatives Annual Macmillan Coffee Morning
Come and help Hampstead & Kilburn and
Holborn St. Pancras Conservative Association’s raise money for Macmillan Cancer in our now annual coffee morning.
FINALLY.. back in person, join us for a cuppa, a slice of cake and a chat with old friends on Saturday 8th October 2022 10.30am-1pm, at the home of Camden Conservatives 1a Heath Hurst Road.
If your able to donate a cake then please contact Amanda via David Douglas. [email protected]
Could we please ask that cakes donated contain no nuts or nut products and a list of ingredients is attached to the cake along with your name.
We can’t wait to see you and raise loads of money for this wonderful charity and the incredible work they do!
UPDATE as of Sat 8th at 7:30PM We have raised over £625, Thank you to all stopping by today to help, talk to friends, make new friends, have a cup of tea or coffee and not least the splendid collection of cakes from our amazing cake chiefs.
If were not able to stop by today you can follow this link to make a donation to our secure Macmillan Coffee Morning fund raiser page here:
Fund Raiser LINK for MacMillan
As always we are holding this fundraiser in loving memory of our dear friend and colleague, Maureen Singer. Never forgotten and always missed