Hampstead & Kilburn Conservative Association
Annual Dinner
The Rt Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP
Secretary of State for Health
Wednesday 6th November 2013
Highgate Golf Club, Denewood Road, Highgate, N6
Black Tie
Reception 7.15 Dinner 8.00
Carriages 11.30
Tickets £70 Standard, £75 non member, £100 Sponsor, £150 top table
Please detach and return to H&K Conservatives, 1a Heath Hurst Road, NW3 2RU.
I would like ………………….ticket(s) for the Annual Dinner to be held on 6th November, 2013 and enclose my cheque for £………………….made payable to H&K Conservatives.
I am unable to attend but would like to make a donation towards the Conservative Party
winning the Camden & Brent Council Elections of £...........
I wish to pay £........... by Card: Debit MasterCard Visa Start date -
Expiry date -
Card number --- Issue number (if applicable)
CVC number (3-digit number on the signature panel on the back of the card)
Name …………………................... Tel…………………………………………………...........
Address ..……………………....... Email ..........................................................................
Name(s) of additional guest(s): …………………………………
………………………………… …………………………………..