Simon lives in Hampstead and was one of four people to be appointed onto The Independent Riots Communities and Victims Panel, set up to discover what sparked last year's London riots. The report was published in March. Simon will be speaking about the Commission and how to prevent future riots.
In 2010 Simon stood for us in Barking - helping to prevent the BNP from having an MP. In 2006 he founded the Boxing Academy, a full-time education project for teenagers at risk of gang crime and social exclusion with sites in both Tottenham and Hackney.
Before this he worked for the British Chamber of Commerce in Brussels and was involved in small business management and investment in both the publishing and leisure sectors.
Many of us know Simon’s mother, Helen Marcus, who for many years led and championed the Heath & Hampstead Society. Simon is a Hampstead man with a great story to tell.
Tickets: £15 Venue: A private home in Hampstead.
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